====== Setting Up Octoprint On Linux - Short version ====== This section is not completed yet, I am working on this in my spare time and will complete this as soon as possible. This page covers the essentials of launching and setting up an Octoprint container image using LXC. Pass through the usb connections((https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/master/reference/devices_unix_block/)) jattie@hp-linux:~$ lxc config device add octo video0 unix-char source=/dev/video4 path=/dev/video0 required=false gid=44 jattie@hp-linux:~$ lxc config device add octo ttyusb0 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB0 gid=20 required=false gid=44 #!/bin/bash lxc config device add octo video0 unix-char source=/dev/video4 path=/dev/video0 required=false gid=44 lxc config device add octo ttyusb0 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB0 gid=20 ===== Webcam ===== * mjpg-streamer((https://jamesloper.com/ubuntu-server-install-mjpg-streamer)) ((https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer/blob/master/mjpg-streamer-experimental/plugins/output_http/README.md)) ((https://snapcraft.io/docs/getting-started)) ((https://github.com/john-clark/mjpg-streamer-setup))